The world of a four-year-old

The everyday life of a four-year-old is full of questions…
It is the teachers' job to help children learn ways of inquiry and research to find answers to these
They learn to find answers in books, peers, adults, their own experiments and the experiences they
have in the world.
At this stage, the program includes thematic activities and educational experiences that strengthen
social and intellectual skills.

Teachers stimulate development by introducing higher levels of letter recognition, phonetic
awareness, expressive and receptive language.

Mathematical concepts are taught through building with blocks, puzzles and solving patterns. Classes
strengthen creative problem-solving skills as well as broader discovery of the world around us.

Advanced motor skills are enhanced through organized gymnastics, sports and dance classes. Now
that children have learned to connect as a whole group, we challenge them to work in pairs and
small groups. The 4-year-old kindergarten education program is designed to support a child's all-
round development, covering various educational and developmental aspects.