NVC Nonviolent Communication is "close to our heart" in Little Academy Preschools.

NVC Nonviolent Communication is "close to our heart" in Little Academy Preschools. In implementing the Polish core curriculum, we use books "Ola Giraffe" recommended by Klett Publishing House, which are linked with the provisions of the Nonviolent Agreement (read more in the Polish core curriculum tab Polish core curriculum).



It is a method of communication developed by the American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. It affects all people, but is often used as an educational method.

Rosenberg illustrated the idea by juxtaposing two animals: a giraffe and a jackal. 

The jackal is a symbol of violent communication. He lives to be right. Judges, he criticizes, compares, analyses. Giraffe - herbivorous, gentle mammal with a big heart is a symbol peaceful communication.

The giraffe treats others with respect, empathy and compassion. He lives to enrich your own life and that of others.

Why Does Nonviolent Communication Work?

Marshall B. Rosenberg said that NVC is not a form or strategy of communication. He said that it is a life attitude.

NVC works because by using empathy and non-aggression, we respect the Child and do not strip him of his dignity. Another strong pillar is building opportunities to create a sense of security between the teacher and the child. Land on which to walk safely, both in terms of physical and mental security.

Why does Nonviolent Communication work for children?
